S has sent you a card


Since April 21, 1969

You have...

Slept for 5,478 days

Taken 403M breaths

Replaced every cell in your body 6.9 times

Had 2,016 million heartbeats

Walked 26,298 miles

Grown of hair 24ft

Peed enough to fill 175 bathtubs

Used 1,008 toilet rolls

358,192 people born today

Population in 1969: 3.6 billion

World population today: 7.4 billion

96,000 species have gone extinct

Sea level has risen 5.28 inches

1,574 million acres of rainforest destroyed

6,431 satellites have been launched into space

The sun had 52,800 solar flares

Age you would be on Jupiter: 4.0

The universe has expanded by 69 billion miles

Number of alien invasions: still just zero

Hope you have a wonderful day!
Huggles and Love

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